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Shorty Bean and the Power of the Lockett

Series: Shorty Bean, Book 3


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Back to school can be dreadful for some, but to Shorty Bean it was truly delightful; and having a few breaks throughout the year wasn’t bad at all! She adored school and loved learning; so did her best friend and lovable hamdog Smarty. They enjoyed chasing adventure, or maybe adventure chased them? Either way, Grandpa Andy never understood why Shorty’s middle name was not “adventure.” Spending time with family can be a blast, especially when your grandparents live in a cottage up north, surrounded by trees and dense forest. There is always a place to discover and daydream. The creatures who lived in the Gazman Forest just beyond the cottage had become like family to her. Each one held a special place in her heart, but change was on the horizon, and it was prophesied long ago. No one knew the hour in which it would come, but only that it would. Shorty Bean had a golden heart-shaped locket with four chambers inside, and the power would Shorty Bean and the Power of the locket show her the future. White Cloud, the ruler of the forest, abandoned his nest to make way for a warrior. This warrior would change the forest as they knew it and etch a memory deep in the heart of Shorty. Those who lived in the forest, who stayed dormant and sealed in seclusion, would now arise and take their place to begin to prepare for a battle, a battle foretold.


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